Mendon Station


Mendon Station is located in beautiful historic Mendon at 95 North Main Street.

  1. Check availability of the Mendon Station on the calendar below. The calendar is kept current at all times. Reservations are entered on the calendar by Mendon City staff.
  2. Along with one check for the deposit, and one check for the rental, complete and turn in the Mendon Station Rental Agreement in any of the following ways:
    • Deliver to the City Office during office hours at 15 N. Main in Mendon
    • Mail to Mendon City Corporation Attention: Clerks Office PO Box 70, Mendon UT 84325
    • Drop in the city’s drop box outside the city office.
  3. Mendon City currently accepts checks or cash. Make checks payable to Mendon City. (It works best to write two separate checks, one for the deposit and one for the rental payment. This allows Mendon City to simply return or shred the deposit check once the venue has been cleaned and the key returned.  Please note: you must bring your own cleaners and rags to wipe down surfaces used.) 
  4. The Station is very busy and in high demand. Your reservation will not be put on the calendar until the rental agreement and the two checks or cash have been received.

Refundable Damage Deposit:

Rental Payment:


  • Full Kitchen measuring 18′ X 9′, Large Main Room measuring 27′ X 43′, Foyer measuring 11′ X 13′, Large Outside Patio with lights and electricity, and two restrooms.
  • 15  eight-foot rectangular banquet tables
  • 7  sixty-inch round tables
  • 120 stacking chairs (plus 50 folding chairs)
  • The building seats 150-165 without tables and 100 with tables
  • Audio/Visual Equipment (includes 2 cordless microphones, a DVD/CD 5-disc player, projector, projection screen,  and speakers zones inside and outside of the building) Available at an additional charge. (The projector is temporarily out of order, however, the screen is still available.  We apologize for any inconvenience.)

Mendon Station Availability


Mendon residents pay property taxes to Mendon City. A portion of the taxes are used to maintain city facilities such as the Mendon Station, parks, streets, library, etc., and thus the city council gives Mendon residents a discounted price for use of the Mendon Station.

Resident pricing is for Mendon City residents only.  As stated above, honest stewardship of the taxes supporting the facility are for Mendon City residents only.  Please be honest when filling out the rental agreement.  If you do not live within Mendon City limits, you do not qualify for Mendon City pricing.

You reside in Cache County and do not pay property taxes to Mendon City, therefore you do not qualify for the resident pricing.

Not necessarily, if you have a question about where the city boundary is, please refer to the parcel viewer at  You must have a physical address within Mendon City limits to qualify for Mendon City resident pricing. 

Yes you do, proof of address may be required.

We recommend booking a minimum of 4 hours, this gives you time for setup/cleanup.  However, this is just a suggestion.  Please allow for more time than you think you’ll need.  If you exceed the time you payed for on the day of your event, you will be charged 1.5 times the amount of the original rent.  You may adjust and pay for extra time up to 7 days prior to your event, if the time is available.

Only if you are planning to pay for the additional hours for rental prior to the event. Always include the setup/cleanup time when scheduling your event! For Weddings, if you’d like to setup the evening before, you will need to book hours the evening before and pay the hourly rate for those setup hours. Otherwise, plan to setup the day of the wedding.

There is a key lockbox outside on the south side of the building. You will be provided a 4 digit access code to the lockbox prior to the start time of your event. When you have finished and leave the facility simply return the key to lockbox. The key will be collected and the building inspected prior to shredding/returning your deposit.  There will be a $150 replacement charge for lost or misplaced keys.

Rental Agreement & Rental Policy