Building Permits

Application Process
If a new project or business license application is being requested, please contact the Planning and Zoning Secretary at to schedule a Pre-consultation meeting and discuss the application and administrative review process.  To be placed on the Planning and Zoning agenda, the application and all supporting documents must be turned in and the Administrative review completed at least 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Thank you.

Accessory Buildings/Garages/other exterior structures
Approval for accessory structures shall be obtained from the Planning Commission prior to application for building permit.  Please contact the Planning and Zoning secretary at to be added to the next available P&Z meeting agenda and for required documents and/or fees. P&Z meetings are held each 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

Other Projects
For other inquiries regarding whether a building permit is required, costs, and procedures for application, please contact Mendon Building Inspector, Paul Taylor at 435-752-5747 or